Discover the exquisite art of tea



5000 years ago, Chinese emperor and herbalist, Shennong, discovered the tea plant. He realized this healing plant was unlike any other and he named it "cha."

Tea was first used medicinally and spiritually. Over thousands of years, a culture developed around its preparation and enjoyment. This expanded into the development of the “tea arts" inspiring the creation of many tea pots, vessels, containers, accessories and teaware, as well as paintings, poetry, and books. 

Our aim here at Jin Yun Fu Teashop is to help you explore China's deep tea culture. Combining tea, and tea's spirit, the best way to enjoy tea's flavor is with your heart.




2 hrs 

Delving into truly the most important study of anyone’s foundational appreciation of tea tasting and Chinese tea culture, this two-hour course will return us to Chinese tea’s origins and trace its fascinating development throughout the ages. Chinese tea originated 60,000 years ago with the first tea trees, but it was only discovered 5,000 years ago when it began its journey as a natural medicine. Chinese tea culture officially began in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song, and transformed in the Ming Dynasty, culminating in the three important stages: Tang boiling, Song whisking, and Ming brewing.

深入研究任何人對品茶和中國茶文化的基本欣賞的真正最重要的研究,這個兩小時的課程將帶我們回到中國茶的起源,並追溯其在各個時代的迷人發展。中國茶起源於 60,000 年前的第一棵茶樹,但直到 5,000 年前它才開始作為天然藥物的旅程時才被發現。中國茶文化正式始於唐代,盛於宋代,蛻變於明代,最終經歷了唐煮、宋衝、明衝三個重要階段。

Terroir, taste, and processing methods


3 hrS   

China is truly a vast territory, and its tea trees grow in many different environments. Every tea producing area is composed of its own particular ecological conditions and soil properties, developing distinctive regional flavors especially coaxed out by particular, complimentary processing methods that have been perfected throughout the ages. We will learn about the different teas, their regions, flavor, and processing.

中國幅員遼闊,茶樹生長環境多種多樣。 每個茶葉產區都有其獨特的生態條件和土壤特性,通過歷代完善的獨特、互補的加工方法孕育出獨特的地域風味。 我們將了解不同的茶、它們的產地、風味和加工過程。



2 hrs  

Brewing good tea is the most basic foundation of tea tasting. To brew well takes practice; there are a lot of details and skills that earn the 工夫 “gong fu” or “work” in this style’s name. Only through diligent practice can you make a smooth pot of tea with natural sweetness. In this course, we'll teach you proper brewing techniques and how to pair the right tea set with your tea leaves.

泡好茶是品茶最基本的基礎。釀造好需要練習; 在這種風格的名稱中,有很多細節和技巧贏得了工夫的“功夫”或“工作”。只有勤加練習,才能泡出一壺順滑甘甜的好茶。在本課程中,我們將教您正確的沖泡技巧以及如何將正確的茶具與茶葉搭配。

Preparation and Practice of GongFu Tea Ceremony in the Ming Dynasty


3 hrs  

The Gong Fu Tea Ceremony in the Ming Dynasty is an art that embodies etiquette, character, sentiment, aesthetics, and self-cultivation. It flourished as a model of Chinese tea art. In this course, we will learn about the ritual, setting up, and building. In practicing this ritual intended to honor tea with the proper preparation and brewing techniques, we respect peace and the natural world. With mindfulness and the spirit of tea, we use our hearts to taste and appreciate the gifts of nature.

泡好茶是品茶最基本的基礎。釀造好需要練習; 在這種風格的名稱中,有很多細節和技巧贏得了工夫的“功夫”或“工作”。只有勤加練習,才能泡出一壺順滑甘甜的好茶。在本課程中,我們將教您正確的沖泡技巧以及如何將正確的茶具與茶葉搭配。